Thread: flare up
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Old 05-02-2009, 04:27 PM
kmevans kmevans is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2009
Posts: 9

It seems to have calmed down today. I sat in the recliner with a squishy pillow holding my neck in just the right position most of yesterday and last night. I took my meds and did pretty much nothing. I got a good night's sleep and feel better today. Still a little pain and soreness but not bad.

I will take it fairly easy this weekend and see what happens. My next dr. appt is my 6 month followup (which will really be 6.5 months) the first week in June.

Last appointment he told me as long as the pain didn't last longer than 2 weeks that it was just normal healing process.

The rain has finally stopped today, which I think has helped, I know its crazy but my neck aches more when it rains, and its been raining constantly for over a week.
1988:sprained neck roller skating
1989:dislocated neck in a freak accident
1995:diagnosed with bulging disc C5/6
2000:disk herniated
2000-2004:multiple treatments including nerve root block, trigger point injections, epidural steroid injections, pt
2005-2008: pain meds and muscle relaxers only
ProDisc-C replacement on c5/c6 11/18/08
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