Thread: flare up
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Old 05-02-2009, 07:28 AM
Maria Maria is offline
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Default it seems

Just with the motion of lifting something a bit cumbersome that the C5/6 disc area and surrounding musculature is going to be involved. If you've done nothing in awhile in terms of lifting anything to sort of work yourself back into lifting anything of a rather bulky or large size if not even heavy weight perhaps you're experiencing some severe muscle spasms.

I have a small C5/6 disc bulge that seems to give me far more grief than the doctor thinks it should and when this happens I usually have to sleep or lie with neck in the horseshoe pillow for support (this is all the time when lying down) take 1-2 Fioricet for headache of migraine nature and a Skelaxin (muscle relaxer). I take Methadone low dose daily for low back pain but it doesn't ever touch the cervical pain which has made me think it's largely muscle spasms.

When I do lifting of a fairly light nature but still more than my neck cares to have me do it seems I pay with flare ups that last several days and then sitting and/or having to just be active can further exacerbate the cervical pain even if I'm not doing anything directly to flare it up.

I don't use ice too much for the cervical area as I seem to hunch up my shoulders more and create more muscular aching/pain/knots in this area but to each his or her own in terms of what works.

Good luck and I guess you will be reporting this to your doctor if you've not already.
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