Well after just saying a few days ago how well I was doing I have had my first major post surgical flare up.

I'm 5 and a half months post op adr at c5/6.
The only thing that I can think that would have caused it is I helped move a (empty) bookcase and helped lift a mini fridge at work on Tuesday. early Wednesday morning i woke up with a severe pain in my neck going into my head. I got up and ttook a half of a percocet and a half of a flexeril and it was better by the time i got up later that morning.
it was only on Wednesday, a bit achy and stiff, but not bad, same on Thursday. This morning I right after i got to work I got the same thing i had Wednesday morning except worse (and on the opposite side), i ended up coming home from work about lunch time and have been sitting in the recliner the rest of the day, I took a half a percocet and a whole flexeril, the headache part comes and goes but my neck pain is pretty constant.
I've also been slightly dizzy/vertigoish all day, but I'm apt to contribute that to my horrible allergies.