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Old 04-27-2009, 06:15 PM
Maria Maria is offline
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Default I love to

Try to read.. my concentration skills are off thanks to meds tho I love libraries and books.. yes real books! Love to read in the quiet company of my cats as well.

Love to shop too tho am short the cash so try to shop within my $ range which means bargain hunting!

Dance.. oh yeah. Confined to mostly in my apt. now and/or with friends at their place where I can poop out on the sofa (drop dead on one) ..

Walk the dog and hang out with other dog walkers/dog people! Beach with the dog ..

Watch movies that are one to two years out as I cannot sit in a movie theater for 2 hours comfortably

Watch all kinds of programs that are educational from finance to language to just about anything.. might as well relax and learn somewhere as I can lay about at home learning as well as just laying about at home (usually night as I don't lay about much anymore).

Learning to eat well for my health.. it's like learning a new language or skill for me!

Playing at sewing and I say playing as I'm learning and I love it so it's fun!

Hanging out in my teeny tiny porch garden that's smaller than a bathroom tho light bright and has plants all over it.. yep, getting my Vit D and wrinkles to boot!

Walking on the beach!!! Walking.

Light weight working out~ just started and so far am doing well. Hope to be able to tone up a bit.

Going to museums and local art exhibits. If I could travel I'd go anywhere and everywhere I could to art exhibits and museums as I love this as much as libraries and the beach..

Hanging out with some best buddies of many years.. how goofy we can get w/o even drinking.. it's so good to laugh!

So many more things tho as simple and small as it may be if I'm happy then it's fun

Last edited by Maria; 04-28-2009 at 10:33 AM.
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