Thank you, Justin and Cathy,
It seems like my nerves are in a major state of being ticked off.
It is like L5/S1 is raising its head and saying, "you didn't pay enough attention to me and so here I am".
I keep telling my kids to stay away from me as them jumping around is like the last thing I need.
I think i am going to have to ask to increase or change the meds because I am in a lot of pain, especially when the meds wear off early. At least until things calm down. I am not functioning too well. I am running the house from the couch.
In 2007 with the disco, my pain did increase for about 10 days or so, and I recovered and then things started slowly sliding downhill.
Justin, I was just wondering if because the doc put a lot of pressure in the L5/S1 disc to produce pain that that inflamed the disc more. In 2007, the pressure was stopped earlier because pain was elicited earlier at low pressures.