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Old 04-22-2009, 03:44 PM
Cindylou Cindylou is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: Wayzata, Minnesota
Posts: 238


Like you, we are getting ready to put our house on the market too. Unlike you, we aren't buying another until we have this one sold. We own that cabin up north too, and I do not want the financial headache of 3 mortgages, until this one sells! The market, of course, is soft here too, but I'm hoping the extras we have done will make ours shine. I'm in the middle of picking granite and backsplash for the kitchen (my realtor says my current backsplash is too busy, altho everyone who comes over loves it), and getting some decorative concrete work done outside, below our deck. The house is old and has alot of charm which I also hope will give it punch. On the other hand, I also don't want to give it away. My neighbor across the street is my best friend, and she is pretty upset with me that we are going this route. It just seems it's time to downsize. With it being just the two of us now (and pets! of course) we don't need a 5 bedroom 4 bath house. So, we'll see. We're trying to time it so the crabapple trees out front and out back are all in bloom when we hammer that sign into the yard.
Good luck with your move too, and remember not to overdo.

My best,

bicycle accident 6/01: 2 compression fractures @ T12-L1; vertibroplasty; 4/06: right hip labral tear & arthroscopic repair; 4/07: lumbar prodiscs @ 3 levels, L3-6 by Dr. Bertagnoli; 7/02/08: ALIF L6-S1; 7/30/08: reopened to remove bone cement, leaked onto S1 nerve root; 8/08: pulmonary embolism, double pneumonia, collapsed left lung, pleurisy, pleural effusion; ALIF fusion complete; 3/10/09: SI Joint Fusion by Dr. Stark; Jury still out.
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