I have 3 ADRs, no fusion. Here's my opinion based on my experiences, not any type of medical expertise or foundation.
The longer never damage exists, the more likely it is to become permanant. It also my go away. This is very scary to me. However, short lived damage can also become permanant. Nerve damage can be disabling on its own.
Healing takes longer as you age.
Worsening conditions may ultimately limit your remedy choices.
Choosing your surgeon carefully will increase your chances of a successful surgery.
But, failures still exist. Hindsight is the only true guide in making the right decision. Those finding success wish they had it done years earlier. Those with failures kick themselves for taking that plunge. However, I do believe skilled surgeons produce far more successful results than failures. The odds would be in your favor. But again, only you will reap the reward or suffer the consequences.
FYI, the healing process is not easy but a necessary evil. The first couple of days are a real ^&#%$ but what's a couple of days out of your life? Childbirth is cruel and inhuman yet we still have babies - of course it's not with a clear understanding that they'll be teenagers one day!
so even love making with or without ripping off your leg has its consequences
Anybody got a working crystal ball? Mine's in the shop