Ahh, they are so cute! I want to hold and cuddle them!

I know the potty training sucks, but it will pass soon enough (not quick enough for you though, I'm sure

) I'm telling you, dogs are just about as much work as kids. Gotta feed em', get fresh water, let em' out, let em' in, out, in, puppy nap (hope they don't sleep too much and not sleep tonight) out, in, food, water, out, in, bed time. Start over tomorrow!! But, they are oh so worth it!
I'm so jealous, I would love to have cute puppies to sleep with. My big dog, Jack, is 90 lbs and thinks he is a kitten (maybe because he lives with 3 cats?) This means that he wants to jump on you, sit on your lap, etc. Ever watched Ice Age 2? Where the big girl mammoth was raised with the little, agile monkeys (not sure what they are). Anyhow, she thinks she is one of them, since she lived with them and saw them everyday and never sees herself, she even sleeps in a tree. This is exactly how my dog is. He is my big baby. I always joke that someone could break into my house, tie me up, and the dog would offer to help them load the tv if they would get him a milk bone! He's a very sweet boy and is awesome with my kids. Funny how they can get on your nerves so bad; but you love them so much.