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Old 04-16-2009, 03:47 PM
cls cls is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: Colorado
Posts: 16


I don't post much but I have followed many folks over the past 6 months and given what I have read from others recovering from ADR it sounds like you are really doing well. I am excited for you and pray that you will have your "old life" back soon. Chronic pain is draining and it seems like it sucks the life out of a person. I realized yesterday that it has been nearly one year ago that my disc ruptured entirely. I had acute problems off and on for 7 years but this past year it has been EVERY SINGLE DAY. I was sickened thinking about how much of my life I lost for me and my family. It is hard enough to feel like you have wasted so much of life on back issues but it is doubly hard when you have little ones who need you and want to have fun with you. My son is 9 and one day he actually referred to me as disabled. I nearly cried - not for me but for him. I really don't want him to remember his childhood having a disabled Mom. Anyway, I can't wait for you to be back enjoying a normal, pain free life without any limitations. It will be great when you can fly out the door with your girls and go have fun without thinking of what you can and can't do because of your back!!!!
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