Over the years I have flown to europe a lot probably at least as often as Mark. A the years went by it got harder and harder to make the trip due to my back problems. I would be worse of every time due to all the ignorance of the various personal. In Germany Frankfurt I was forced to lay my case on an inspection belt for special inspection. even though I could hardly walk I was told to tough it out and no one would help me. That was very bad. Same thing happened on the US side where they send me to "agricultual inspection" line and the belt was 15 inches of the ground, to high for me to lift. After that I was flat for several weeks. So when it came time of surgery trip I was worried even with plenty of travel experience. To have the wheel chair service forgotten is unexcusable. Some people would not be able to do that (climb stairs). And the TSA folks seem not trained very well for handling people with special needs.
When I had my surgery I decided to stay 4 weeks to make sure I am in decent shape to travel and I am glad I was able to do that.
So I really feel with you as I know what you went through.
My advice for surgery travelers, no matter what airline.
NON STOP if at all possible.
You *need* to have travel companion (Mark!) DONT fly lone!!!!
Nov 07: STALIF Fusion L5/S1 ACTIV-L ADR L4/L5
Nov 09: Prodisc-C ADR 2 level C 4/5/6
Last edited by fuzzy; 04-15-2009 at 09:07 PM.