Glad you are feeling better. I'm sorry your flight home sucked. Mine wasn't so great either; but it wasn't because of TSA or the airline. We missed our first flight because I realized half way to the airport I left my walker in the hotel. Then, we get there and are almost gonna make it and my friend can't find her wallet. After running through the airport to the gate, while she ran to the rental car to see if it was in there, I find it in my purse (she put it in there). I had to go back to security, wait for her to return and get her id, so she could get through security. We finally get back to the gate and the plane left. We then spent 4 hours in the airport waiting for the next flight out (the airline didn't charge us anymore for missing our flight). We finally fly out, have a stop in Houston, bad weather hits, so we sit on the runway for an hour waiting for the storms to pass. We then have to take the long way to Dallas, 2 hours in the air versus 45 minutes. Anyway, I ended up not getting home until 11pm and I had arrived at the airport at 11am. I do have to say that I flew Southwest Airlines for the first time and I loved them. The flight attendants got me ice repeated times for my ice pack, brought me pillows and were very caring and sweet. When I arrived at curbside check in they got me a wheelchair, pushed me through the airport, let me go through the quick security line, and had a wheelchair waiting for me in Dallas (as soon as I got of the plane, they were waiting for me with a chair). The gentleman pushed me all the way to the curb outside and even offered to wait with me for my friend to get the car pulled around. I was very impressed with them and will fly with them whenever possible from now on.
Note to anyone flying: Take a cane or walker and tell them at the curb you are handicap and need a wheelchair. They will give you a special pass that lets you cut through the security quicker (you get to go in the line where the staff goes through). The pass also gives you pre-boarding and they will push you through the airport and get your bags. I didn't even know this service existed; but they offered when they saw my walker. It was nice to finally get a 'perk' out of this hell of pain I live in.
So glad you are doing so good Bob, I am jealous of your recovery!  Were you on pain meds prior to surgery? What were you on? What are you on now? How is your son handling not being able to be carried by daddy? My 3 year old keeps asking, "mommy you back better, you carry me now?" You are in my prayers, Kathy
34 years old-
1/06- In wreck with 18 wheeler
Numerous MRI's, PT, chiropractic, accupuncture, TENS therapy, massage therapy, facet injections, epidural injections, Nerve study, Discogram, confirms pain in L4/5, IDET, decompression, Bi-lateral neurotomy L3/4/5, denied by insurance twice, in Active L clinical trial, had surgery March 17, 2009 in Miami, FL- received Active L disc
Had Baby #3 after ADR!