So, today I had my shot. Let me explain my day...
I was at the hospital for 630am, they hooked me up to an IV, the nurse came in with the dr, they told me to lay on my side with my knees bent, they put the freezing in, YUCK!! Then the dr put the needle in with the steroid/pain med/freezing stuff etc.. then I hear oops, I guess he hit the wrong something and it caused some fluid to leak, NO IDEA!! At that point, he said ok he is going to do it again, he did and then I had to roll back on my back and let him know when my legs started to lose feeling etc...5 minutes later, NOTHING!! At that point another dr walks in and says OH, it didn't work, Ok I will do it this time...aparently the other dr was a STUDENT!! GREAT!!
After the 3rd attempt it was a success, not soon aftwewards the headache I got was CRAZY!! I wasn't allowed to leave until I got the feeling back into my leg and the headache calmed down....they gave me a shot of demerol and told me to go home and RELAX!! To drink lots of caffeine and it should help the headache...
Well, here I am now and the headache is still there, if I lay down the headache isn't too bad, BUT if I sit up, OH GOSH!!
I called my family dr and they told me to keep an eye on it and if it isn't any better to call the Pain Clinic in the a.m. WHY IN THE HECK IS THIS HAPPENING??
Does ANYONE have ANY advice for me?? THIS SUX!!