You are now 2 and a half weeks out from your surgery and how are you feeling?
I do like to repeat what others have said and that is to be careful with those bending twisting motions. Gentle, no weight and over time slowly build up. Don't do it all or too much at once.
At about 2 to 4 weeks out I finished sanding the wood counters in my kitchen. I could take about 15 minutes of that twice a day but it was good exercise. After a week the counters were done and I was getting slowly better. But cleaning a whole house?
At 2 weeks I was not ready to go to a movie theater. For me sitting more then 15 minutes was still very painful , you are doing good!
At about 6 weeks out I celebrated by putting a telephoto lens on a camera and went photographing nature, about an hour. Camera fairly heavy, that I did not realize. Did some bending etc to get into position for the shot, etc. The next day I was in severe pain and practically down for several days and it took about a week before I felt improvement. It hurt really bad above the ADR level, worry worry. Pain went away after two weeks and I was very relieved. I did a few more minor ones like that as time went on as I clearly had to retrain my back muscles.
Nov 07: STALIF Fusion L5/S1 ACTIV-L ADR L4/L5
Nov 09: Prodisc-C ADR 2 level C 4/5/6