ANS- laughing out loud! Sounds like my day yesterday. I was tired from doing too much the day before. I woke up, helped get the kids dressed and did their hair, hubby took them to school and went to work. I then watched tv in the lazy boy, moved to bedroom and fell asleep for 2 hours, woke up, watched 10-15 minutes of the news and fell back asleep for another hour or so. I then moved to lazy boy and watched tv, ate a granola bar (trying to avoid choclate, after realizing I've put on weight since surgery) and some of that activia yogurt (working on the constipation issue). Kids came home, held them and played with their hair, ate pizza (1 slice) and salad (huge bowl), watched tv, was so exhausted that I went to bed at 9:30!
Terry-My hubby is also a lawn snob. He has won all the yard of the month awards (from the neighborhood and the city, which is pretty cool considering there are 115,000 residents). I enjoy looking at all the pretty stuff he plants. He has my 5 year old trained to name all the plants. She is like a mini garden encyclopedia, she will tell you the name, what the plant 'likes' and doesn't 'like'. Someone asks me the name and I'm like hmmm... It's a pretty bush, huh? I do enjoy my cherry tomato plant that we have every year.
Ok, for my hobbies...
I love to shop. I'm addicted to Target, the cashiers know me. I was in there today and was talking to my friend. This worker comes up to me and was like, I knew it was you when I heard your voice! I bought a bunch of adorable clothes for my kids at Children's Place today (shh, don't tell hubby)
I love to eat, which is nice because my husband loves to cook (me, not so much). I love all kinds of food, Mexican (my favorite), Italian, Chinese, American, Steak (bone in rib eye, 1-1/4"- 1-1/2" thick, medium rare). Making myself hungry
I enjoy reading, books (non-fiction and Christian), magazines, newspapers. I like learning new things, my head is full of random information

I like to watch tv and play solitare and sudoku on the computer.
I had to quit most of my activities 6 months ago, when my pain was too much to bear and I couldn't sit for more than 15 minutes. Those activities were: Tuesday night Bible study (usually on marriage, money or kids), MOM's group at church, watching babies in the church nursery on Sunday (I love babies) and going to church
I love spending time with my husband (we have a standing Thursday night date-night) and time with my kids
Can't think of anything else right now.