I could not believe how quickly I began to feel like myself! It was like someone flipped a switch. I'm sure I'll pay for the activities, but I've definitely come around the bend.
My good friend Dr. Baumbach came by for a visit... There seems to be so much to laugh about whenever we get together. Do I look taller?
OK... on to the real stuff.
I'm disappointed that the tinnitus is not gone. Nobody thought it would be... just an outside chance, but I would have loved to get some peace and quiet.
There is MORE numbness on my face than before surgery. I'm sure this will fade... but these journals should be 'warts and all' for the benefit of those who follow.
It's too early to tell about the T1-2 pain because it's still painful. Same for other pains... it's all been recently hammered and pounded. None of it was discogenic, so I'm not sure I expected it to go. I had let a lot of severe pathology go too long. I hope I didn't wait too long. Only time will tell.
In any case, I'm a happy camper because the recovery seems to be going so nicely. We'll see what the next few weeks brings.
At least I can eat... Diane is off picking up a pizza now. Don't tell her I'm on the computer again.
FC Barcelona vs. Bayern Munich on now... cool stuff!
All the best,