Originally Posted by treefrog
I guess I've been pretty lucky, that the doctors I've seen haven't really said anything too outlandish. But when talking to my boyfriend about my pain, and wanting surgery, he said that he constantly has pain in his shoulder, but he just deals with it. That made me very angry, and I really felt like he didn't understand my pain, and I'm sure he doesn't. I don't know if his pain is anything like mine, or if he just has a higher threshold for pain. But it didn't help to think that he thought I should just deal with my pain, and move past it, as if that was even possible. Of course he thinks exercise is the answer to everything.
Oh, I have heard this one too many times! My husband used to give me the exercise crap. He finally got it after seeing me go through surgery. My mom still acts like I was crazy for having surgery. I just uh-huh and change the subject when I start getting un-solicited back advice (child rearing advice too  ) Fortunately, for others, not us, there is a only a small percentage of people who will ever experience pain like we do and for the legnth of time we have.
Anything new on the surgery front?
34 years old-
1/06- In wreck with 18 wheeler
Numerous MRI's, PT, chiropractic, accupuncture, TENS therapy, massage therapy, facet injections, epidural injections, Nerve study, Discogram, confirms pain in L4/5, IDET, decompression, Bi-lateral neurotomy L3/4/5, denied by insurance twice, in Active L clinical trial, had surgery March 17, 2009 in Miami, FL- received Active L disc
Had Baby #3 after ADR!