That is an incredible price Justin.
Well, I am hoping that I will be making plans soon.
A friend of ours is going to donate miles to me, that I can use to upgrade (hopefully). She travels a lot on business and has a lot of miles. I haven't traveled extensively, so I'm nervous about the best way to go about it. The only trip I've taken outside the US recently was to Belize last February (my mom took my sister and I to Jamaica when we graduated from college, but that was more than 20 years ago, and she made all the plans, you didn't even need a passport then). But the woman who's home we were going to, told us exactly which airlines to take and all the other details, and all I had to do was book my flights. It wasn't as complicated as this trip is likely to be.
I've done some travel inside the US, and used Expedia, and other similar type sites.
Thanks for the tips on when to check the prices. I remember hearing that there was some particular time to check, to get the cheapest prices, but I can't remember when that is. I'll have to see if I can find out if I wrote it down somewhere.
Though, actually this is the least of my worries. I have a credit card and I no how to use it

. I'm more worried about arranging funds to pay for the surgery. I'm sure I can come up with it, it's just how much stress it is going to cause me, to figure it out.