trkdoc714, I am so happy for you that your surgery went so well. Bottom line, that's what we all want to hear. Results. Successful results. I will pray that pain free days surround you, in the days and months ahead, while you heal from your surgery. Of course, we all want to make the "right" decision as to where we go and who we pick for a surgeon. Who knowingly wants to pick the wrong surgeon, or the surgeon with a very high failure rate? Obviously, no one. This is the tricky business for we spine sufferers, who on top of being miserably in pain, have to buck up and do endless hours of research so that we can make an informed decision. I can even understand your lashing out at Mark, because who else is speaking so strongly against Stenum? And he has the platform, this community, right? But here's where I have to differ, so please hear me out. When Mark flew out for the observation of my most recent surgery, I did not pay him one dime. Fact. He flew out on a wing and a prayer, because he really wanted to see what this Dr. Stark had up his sleeve, in regards to SI Joint Fusion, and the future this might hold for numerous failed back syndrome folks like myself and so many others who are not living the pain free life they are so desperately seeking. Fact. This community was born of love and compassion for our fellow man. My belief and conclusion. Now, here's the kicker we all need to pay attention to: does Mark need to make a living, like everyone else?? You betcha. After speaking with Mark in person, I can testify that this is how Global Patient Network was born. So he could attempt to carve out a living, doing what he does best, helping fellow spine patients find relief from their pain. Is Mark rich from this new career? Hardly. At best, he is breaking even. If I were Mark I would be very offended that you would accuse him of taking kick backs from Dr. Bertagnoli. Outrageous accusation. Absolutely not true. If Mark is guilty of anything, it is caring too much and having seen too much from all the surgeries he has had the good fortune to observe. Yes, he is merely speaking from his experience and observations. Just remember, HE HAS SEEN ALOT. I believe he sees it as a moral duty to comment on what he has seen take place at Stenum. So now he is guilty of having a conscience. Could Stenum have turned around over these past 4-5 years in their practice? Absolutely. That's why it is up to us, in the final hour, to make the best, informed decisions we can for our care. Happy healing to you, trkdoc714. May the force be with you!!