I wonder if this doesn't come up because so many of us are chronic pain patients, and already on antidepressants at the time of surgery? Just a thought. But it seriously needs considered! I believe my father-in-law died due to depression after heart surgery (and I know there's been research about heart surgery-linked depression). He was too depressed to do his cardiac rehab therapy, the inactivity further weakened his heart, which made him more depressed until he simply gave up. Now, I know this is a totally different surgery, but it could raise the same issues. Too depressed to do therapy or exercises, thus continuing pain, thus depression... Not to mention being confined to the house/bedroom post-op adding to depression. Good topic!!
Herniated disc lifting at age 19
Laminectomy at L4-5 in 1998, repeat in 2001 same level
13 docs, 9 PT's, 8 Epidurals, 3 trigger point inj, 1 Facet Block, 1 Acupuncturist, 3 Chiros and 1 child later, had L4-5 ProDisc placed 9-19-06 by Dr. Janssen in Denver, CO. Facet rhizo March, 2007, November 2007, January 2009
Had healthy baby boy #2 in Dec 2008 with use of some meds during pregnancy and nursing.