Surgery in April
Oh jeez -- I really don't have much choice now - either have the pain I am in or do something. So I met with the surgeon today - name with held. He told me like everyone else reviewing my did you get yourself into this. Your back is healthy...the joints all look great EXCEPT the anterlothesis of L5-S1. It is very unique in the fact that this does not happen to people without other areas of problems through the spine...but the MRI is conclusive that you have a nice slip and he said a fusion would be the route that would be the only thing he would do - disc replacement really is out there - but this should work. My health is good and the rest of my back is very normal and he says should be a very good option.
So I have had 3 physical therapist say jeez - you may need to do something
I have had 7 docs all say the same thing - so surgery is the route. This doc has credentials and practices at Piedmont in Atlanta which has very good scores on JCAHO, patient surveys and physician surveys - so NOW YOUR TURN -- THOUGHTS...