Just keeping everyone up to date. Apparently, mine is going to be an unusual case. Hopefully someone can benefit from reading my story.
Radiologist report for thoracic MRI is in:
T1-T2: focal L paracentral disc protrusion extending to the L neuroforamen measuring 8mm in craniocaudal dimension x 4mm in anteroposterior dimension x 8mm in transverse dimension. This is causing moderate to severe L foraminal stenosis and slightly indenting the anterolateral thecal sac and thoracic cord.
T7-T8: 2mm focal central disc protrusion slightly indenting the anterior thecal sac and thoracic cord.
T10-T11: Disc desiccation and approx 25% disc space narrowing. Disc bulge measuring < 2mm. No stenosis.
While they did several axial slices at T1-2, the other levels only had 1 axial slice. I see many issues that are only visible on one slice… kind of makes you wonder why they are saving slices here? I don’t think this is an issue, but it would be nicer to get a more complete view as a matter of course.
These findings don’t change my decision making process at all. In the last year, the symptoms have risen to the level of requiring surgery. I hope I have not waited too long as I’ve watched borderline “mild to moderate’s” progress to “moderate to severe’s”. The prospect of as surgery that spans 6 levels is NOT attractive.
I’ll be trying to book within the next few months. I’ll most likely do a trip with clients for their surgeries and follow with my surgery a week later. Let me know if you want to come along.