cervical probs
I think sometimes the way we have to care for one part of our spine can effect the way another part of our spine reacts and I'm just wondering if your c-spine is reacting to the care of your recent lumbar spine surgery and the effect this has had on you?
Now suffice to say that if this feeling were worsening and unrelieved by any medication, any position or any arsenal in my already loaded medication/spine care bag I'd probably bring myself bare minimum to an Urgent Care center for evaluation if not an ER depending on how severe the symptoms are and whether there was any relief in sight.
Even tho all I have that seems significant on an MRI is a small C5/6 bulge my neck got so painful last night that I felt nauseated, couldn't turn my head w/o pain or look up or down or move it really, had pain into my right scapula first, then into the left side, and basically paraspinally into the upper thoracic spine. I also had a whopper h/a going on ...
When lying down on my back with my horseshoe pillow around my neck to sleep I couldn't breath right or felt I had to gasp for breath and I had so much occipital pain I was up all night last night..
2 Fioricets and a Skelaxin later and many position changes in bed I finally got 3 hours of sleep last night and woke up with less spasming I guess because there was less pain...
I'm hoping you've either found some relief from the symptoms you wrote about here earlier or were seen or talked to your doctor. Please let us know~
Last edited by Maria; 03-25-2009 at 08:49 AM.