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Old 03-23-2009, 03:54 PM
Tim Tim is offline
Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: UK
Posts: 36

Hi all
I've just had the TSMS recommended to me by an eminent European surgeon well known to this board. The idea would be to place this system at L4/5 between my 2 existing Charite ADR's at 5/S1 and 3/4.

Does anyone have any more news on this system and has anyone here had it done or do you know of anyone who has had it done..

To me it looks promising but scary because it's new and dare I say it experimental. I've so many questions and the literature doesn't seem to be there at least not for public consumption. I assume the facets are left in place but if so how are they unloaded? Will the pedicle screw system suffer from failure and if so how easy will it be to revise? Is it all metal on metal? Is it a keeled design? Is the approach purely dorsal - if so the prosthesis endplates must have a pretty small footprint and may then be more liable to subsidence.. I could go on and on......

Thanks in advance for any input
Laminectomy + decompression L3-S1 - 1988.
ADR Dr Zeegers - Charite L5/S1 and L3/4 - 2003
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