Hi All. Thanks for all the notes of welcome. I'm making my way thru them..
Today i received the notes from my Pain Clinic Dr. that is also a surgeon......that did the discogram.
I was a L*D nurse for years, have NO CLUE as to ortho......... but here is what his reports said:
L2-3 Opening pressure 15psi, pain to pressuree was 50 psi peak pressure was 84 psi. numeric pain score of 10. severely degenerative with full thickness posterior annualar tear.
L3-L4: Opening pressure 15 psi, pain to pressure was 45 psi peak pressure was 70 psi. Numeric pain of 8. The disc archetecture was moderately degenerative. P2 concordant pain response.
L4-5: Opening pressure 16 psi, pain to pressure was 40 psi and peak pressure 82 psi. Numeric pain score of 10. The disc archeticture was severely degenerative with both anterior and posterior annular tears.
L5-S1: Opening pressure 23 psi, pain to pressure was 55 psi and peak pressure was 85 psi. This reproduced pain down the left leg and in the low back. The disc architecture showd sever degenerative disc disease witha full thickness left posterior annular tear reproducing P2 concordant back and P2 concordant leg pain.
Conclusion: An awake and cooperative patient
who gave consistent responses. There was not a normal control disc, however the patient was reliable. The patient had reproduction of her usual back pain at L2-3, L3-4, L4-5 and L5-S1, which was considered P2 concordant, and reproduction of her left leg pain at L5-S1 that was concordant also.
okay, someone explain all this to me Lucy?????