03-17-2009, 09:53 PM
Join Date: Jan 2009
Posts: 59
5 Weeks
Nothing much to report. Same ol', same ol'. I seem to have hit a plateau in the recovery and am biding my time. I'm walking an hour/day, but it's really more of a forced march. The one improvement is in sitting, which I can do a lot longer now so it must mean some of the swelling is going down.
I had been feeling some new weirdness on the front of my lower thighs and, naturally, thought it must be another disc level gone bad. They were going over like dominoes! Took me a few days to realize it was caused by the heat given off by my laptop.
In other good news, they say I can start taking NSAIDS at six weeks and I am X'ing the days on my calendar. I so can't wait! Tylenol does nothing and I hate the narcotics...so I'm probably in more pain that I should be right now.
All in all, I'm making progess....albeit slowly.