Originally Posted by Cindylou
Nairek, I'm sorry that you are still suffering. I do believe it is still very early days for you yet, since surgery. That said, I know that is easier said than done. "Waiting" seems to be something we spiney's do alot of. I am so sorry for the loss of your beloved pet as well. And, are you saying you might have to relocate to India?? You do have a ton on your plate. Are you on an anti-depressant? I would highly recommend it if you aren't, or increase your dose (per doctor's instructions) if you are, temporarily. Hang in there. We are here for you.
Hi Cindylou,
How are you feeling since your SI Joint fusion? Hopefully better. I know that it's still the early days since the surgery. I'm a NY'er & we're not known for being very patient when it comes to waiting

Even my OS told me that it will take time. I work 2 jobs & I just want to make sure that I don't lose them. Well the 1 job is very understanding, the other 1 is understanding but my supervisor is a real witch. Besides, daytime tv is just garbage & I can actually feel braincells dying when I watch it.
Thank you for your condolences on the loss of my dog. I had Peanut for close to 10 years. She was a rescue who turned out to be a sick little girl. I've been told by many people that I gave her the best life possible & that not many people would have taken care of her or kept her like I did. I was blessed that my vet gave her a sedative that enabled her to pass away while she was sleeping. It was the hardest thing I've ever had to do but I know it was the best thing to do as her quality of life was suffering. It's been tough on all of us, including her siblings.
My husband's job will eventually move to India or China or somewhere else over that way but without him. If we move, it will be to Florida. We were there a few weeks ago & of course fell in love with the climate & palm trees all over again. This happens every time we go down there. We have to get in touch with a Realtor down there & fly back down there to look at houses. Then we have to hope that we can sell ours. The market tanked up here so it's a stressful situation for us both.
I'm not currently on anti-depressants. I was on them years ago & hated the way they made me feel. I gained a lot of weight when I was on them as well. I've been doing fairly well without being on them. I just tell myself that eventually things will get better. Probably not the best thing for me but it's worked so far.