Hi Dale, just read your response to Kathy and was interested to hear exactly what sort of pain ur' having. I have had a 1 leval "Maverick" adr at L5-S1 and things have gone downhill since! My leg pain is in both legs from hip to toes and feels like burning steel!! I have had a Neurostimulator inserted on the 20th Ictober this year but doesn't seem to be doing the job. I have just sent all my MRIs' and info to the ALPHA KLINIK and am getting them to review my case before I make the trip over there (from Australia)!! Seems like everyone on the isine sit has had charite adr success but has anyone had Maverick success?. Please contact me on
grima6@bigpond.net.au if you have the time Dale. I feel like no-one understands my pain and i am sooooo sick of pts and Drs telling me to"get used to" chronic pain like I am a whinger!! I have had 4 kids naturally with no drugs, I can handle pain but if only they knew! Dale, is there anything you do ( besides heatpacks) that is working?? Thanks for your patience! Merry Christmas Everyone!!! Lorna