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Old 03-06-2009, 07:29 PM
ImpOssibleOne ImpOssibleOne is offline
Join Date: Jan 2009
Posts: 59
Default Day 24

Phily, I'm glad to hear you're doing so well. I'm doing pretty well too. Walking 25 minutes 2x/day...probably 2ish miles total but maybe less. This is more of a mosey than a walk. I do have pain but I'm taking nothing but Tylenol and very little of that because it doesn't work. I would take the pain meds but I can't stand them and the pain is semi-manageable. I can't wait until I can take NSAIDS. I'd kill for a celebrex.

The really good news is that the leg weakness/numbness is going away. It waxes and wanes, which I guess is part of the program, but last night my left leg felt completely normal for the first time in two years! They're itching like crazy, which hopefully is a sign of healing but at any rate they feel 'better connected' now, which is great. Hopefully the trend will continue!

I drove a little bit the other day, just around the neighborhood to see how it felt. I even gave my husband and son the OK to leave for the weekend as I feel conficent to take care of myself now, though I did send my 70lb dog,with a tendency to over-zealousness, to the kennel.

All well, so far.
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