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Old 03-03-2009, 08:29 PM
Eastex Eastex is offline
Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: Longview, TX
Posts: 68

I just went through with a ALIF and I was scared also. I had many questions running through my head too. I almost got up and left the hospital, but I thought about all the pain that I had been in the last few years. I also wanted my life back. A few things that I thought I could recommend are:
1. Allergy/Cold Medicine that you can take with your other meds. (We are in Texas, and my allergies drove me nuts after surgery)
2. I slept in my recliner (still do sometimes) with pillows all around me and under my legs. My wife had to help me up. I couldn't barrel roll out of our beds that easy.
3. Stool Softener
4. Carmex
5. House shoes with rubber soles
6. Remove obstacles that might trip you, or get in the way of the toilet.
7. Shower seat
8. Ice bags (I am sure these are taken of already)
9. Another Grabber to pick up all the other ones that you have dropped!
10. Big cup to keep ice in with some water to sip on.
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