This is ridiculous. How dare you and your wife research your
own health issues and decide the treatment option / device you are both
most comfortable living with for the
rest of your lives.
Berating patients on the phone.
Who the heck does this guy think he is??? That is unbelievable--it's not like you were questioning his surgical abilities.
I am so sorry this puts you guys back at "square one." However, this might just be a blessing in disguise.
About your wife traveling overseas for the first time: tell her that when I had my surgery in 2003 I had never been overseas and I was
only 23 years old at the time. If my wife and I were able to do,
anyone can do it!
We actually did a lot of sightseeing and it was a great "vacation," as we were able to explore Munich and Vienna before and after surgery.
Keep your head up and keep moving forward. If you need anything, you've got my email.