Have you asked your attorney about asking for an emergency hearing on this? In my experience, even hearing the word 'hearing' got WC to jump. My attorney threatened them with this 3 times-I've never once seen the inside of a courtroom. It seems with the spinal cord compression the 'emergency' isn't unreasonable. I'd hate to see you get a surgery you don't prefer just because they're dragging their feet. The only other thing you can do in the meantime is try to get your WC primary to refer you to that Calif ADR doc. At least you can get the proccess started while working on surgery approval. Wish I could be of more help! I feel for anyone struggling with this!! I actually used my short-term disabilty (sick leave) through my work to pay my time off this last surgery since it was easier than getting my case (which is maxed out) to pay it. Is that an option if you do wind up going overseas??? Good luck!!
Herniated disc lifting at age 19
Laminectomy at L4-5 in 1998, repeat in 2001 same level
13 docs, 9 PT's, 8 Epidurals, 3 trigger point inj, 1 Facet Block, 1 Acupuncturist, 3 Chiros and 1 child later, had L4-5 ProDisc placed 9-19-06 by Dr. Janssen in Denver, CO. Facet rhizo March, 2007, November 2007, January 2009
Had healthy baby boy #2 in Dec 2008 with use of some meds during pregnancy and nursing.