Thank-you for the kind words Phylly and Cheryl. One thing (of many) my psychiatrist brought up tonight was that I have to strike a balance between revealing more of my pain levels to those close to me, and NOT keeping the happy face on all the time, if things are truly crappy. I said, "well, that's kind of a downer. Who wants to be around someone whose moping around all the time, complaining of their pain levels? I'm kind of from the old school of fake it till you make it!" He responded with saying, that is true up to a point. There has to be a balance between the two. That's a tricky one for me. I have always tried to look at my glass as half full, but have certainly traveled down the dark roads of pain, lost of all hope, from time to time. I don't think I stay there too long. I did tell him that I was continuing to write my memoirs which has been very cathartic for me. He encouraged me on that, and said he thought I had a true journey to share, that could definitely help others. At the very least, it is helping me!
My son's knees looked fine on x-ray, and the doctor thinks the problem is possibly stemming from his foot instead. So, will likely have to pursue that next. Thank-you for inquiring. I'm thankful his knees and hip are fine. I'm going to open a new thread on my roller coaster day today, that looks to have some promising prospects for my pain. But I didn't sleep well at all last night, so I will script it out tomorrow. Stay tuned!