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Old 02-19-2009, 07:20 PM
ImpOssibleOne ImpOssibleOne is offline
Join Date: Jan 2009
Posts: 59

Day 10

Yesterday morning was nothing less than hell; I had pain beyond my breaking point, which I've never had before. But by last evening, I was up making dinner for the family. Not really cooking more like arranging the food and heating it. Still it was a big improvement and it goes to show you that the downs do end at some point.

Switched to Percocet in divided doses and that's working better than the vicodin as the vicodin was making me a little anxious. I'm walking (shuffling) 15 minutes twice a day and, more or less, making the best of things.
The weather looks acceptable so I might take a little power mosey outside today.

But for donning socks, I can generally care for myself. Fix a simple meal, shower, dress, etc. I'm even picking up a little around the house, very gingerly of course. I live with men and, as wonderful as they have been through this, the place looks like a frat house.

The best news comes from my cat. She is pleased to note that my incision is healing quite nicely and that she is once again allowed upon her favorite stomach.
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