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Old 02-15-2009, 03:37 AM
ImpOssibleOne ImpOssibleOne is offline
Join Date: Jan 2009
Posts: 59

Thanks everyone, for your replies.

How true Mark, all that really matters is the final outcome.
It's like when you're seasick: If you keep your eye on the horizon, far away, the rolls and tosses seem small and you maintain your balance.

I'm beginning to see the bumps will come frequently, maybe many times a day. I think it has to do with the pain meds which don't agree with me. I just find them depressing. My husband (and many of our friends) are ER docs and deal with back pain, though acute as opposed to chronic, all the time. So I'll try different meds out to find the least objectionable.

I'm fine on nothing if I'm doing nothing, but unfortunately rehap requires moving so I have to find something that works.
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