On your decision. I know it's difficult to arrive at one sometimes as I've waxed and waned.. and ultimately here I am feeling actually pretty good the last few months post last ESI nearly 2 months ago. This deluded spine feeling always makes me hesitate..
While I've obviously not had surgery yet, and not in Germany altho Dr.B would be my very first choice, I had visited Germany 2 times in my traveling past, never speaking but a word or two of German yet finding the people there so friendly and gracious to this American traveler.
In fact, the first time I went I was 16. Went with the German Club in High School. Wired my Dad for more $$ so I could live there. Request denied...
Last visit was in the early '90s and more extensive since I was an adult. Speaking less German if that were possible and yet having a great time w/my English/German dictionary~
Again, congrats on your decision, I'd love to be able to travel again at this ripe old age, for surgery there or after a successful one elsewhere (fingers crossed)!
If you are able to get into the clinical trials and have Dr.B's blessings, best of everything that route as well~ keep us posted!