New to Site
It was a pleasant surprise to me to find out that a forum of this nature
existed, and thought I would introduce myself. Found I Spine by accident
when looking at an article by Mr. Mintzer. I was active my entire life, with
exercise, eating well, bodybuilding for over 30 years, until one day about
ten years ago when I fell to the floor in pain while fixing morning coffee in the
kitchen. After doing well for almost 5 years with an epidural ever 4 months,
I had my first bilateral laminectomy. The pain was relieved for about seven
months before it started returning. Then there was the terrible 5 hour
surgery to install a neurostimulator which I was awake most of the time. This
only works to help the nuropathy in my feet, but does nothing for the chronic
and excruciating pain in my lower back and right leg. For three years now I
have been or an array of Narcotics that would knock a horse out, and am
looking for a Dr. that is willing to step out of the bounds of the traditional
American approach to fixing back problems with fusion surgery.
After spending hours, days, months reading on the internet about
surgeon after surgeon, I finally have found one medical practice in Encinitas,
California that seems to offer some promise in using more cutting edge technology in their approach to fixing backs and spines.
Enough said, other than glad to be here and meeting friends, listening to others, and maybe learning a few new things about backs , and maybe
even having some entertaining conversations.
Glad to be here, and hope to hang around for a while.