Thread: Stenosis
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Old 01-28-2009, 05:32 PM
SandyW SandyW is offline
Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: Port Clinton, Ohio
Posts: 75


My MRI says "Overall spinal canal diameter is somewhat small, suggesting an element of congenital stenosis."

I was told that the need for ADR (cervical) was disc impingement on spinal cord and the stenosis of the spinal canal was not causing problems.

But I was concerned about what could be done after ADR if the stenosis caused pinched nerves or spinal cord problems later on. That nice doctor from Cleveland just blew my question off.

So yes I've wondering the same thing. Maybe we shouldn't worry about something until it happens ? What are our choices? Sandy
**Accidents, active life-style, always some back/neck pain controlled w/ibuphrofen
2004 excessive pain, x-ray, PT, MRI diagnosis cervical DDD
**PM recommended, meds, PT, massage therapy, chiropractor, injections
**Dec. 2007 numbness and weakness in left arm/thumb, x-rays, MRI, discs at C4-7 pushing on spinal cord, fusion or ADR out of country
**April 7, 2008, discogram at C3-4, surgery 4 levels, Prodisc-C, Dr. Bertagnoli, Germany
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