incredible day as always
mark and Doc zeegers:
it was a great experience and good to see all of you that attended, even though i had to cut out early, wasn't feeling 100%, but it told me i need to get back into the loop and do a better job at communication, as my 2 U.S.
prodiscs are treating me incredibly well after 4 1/2 yrs! I've gone atv(off road riding) water skiing, bowling, golfing, horseback riding , and still drive my old 73 volvo e1800es with 4 on the floor as a daily driver, all of which i could not do before my surgery!! Oh, hey Dan-good luck with the
Dec6th appt. i didn't see you at marks, hmmmm {:--(
Last edited by nomorepain; 12-01-2006 at 08:34 AM.