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Old 01-25-2009, 11:08 AM
runner runner is offline
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Posts: 331


You should check with a doctor but usually you do not want to put heat on a new surgical site because it can promote infection. Bacteria like warm places to grow.
The thing to do with ice is to ice for 15 minutes on and 15 minutes off. You do not want to apply ice directly to the skin.
Instead, lay a towel between the ice and the skin.

I am surprised you don't have post-op instructions. I know that the UHC has general instructions on line for ADR.
Maybe you can find more information there.
If you are worried about neck placement, I would attempt to call the doctor.

I don't know about your other questions. I had lumbar ADR so I cannot answer those questions.
In doubt, I think you should always contact the surgeon who did the surgery.
I am an RN and I know that different docs have different post op instructions. If I couldn't get a hold of the doctor, I would call the hospital and ask there.

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