Just want to let everyone know, Mark is very soft spoken. He forces nothing on you. He is only insistant about your knowledge base regarding your own health. He might prod a little but stops short of telling you what to do.
Whether you utilize his services or not, he doesn't push. To set the record straight, Mark bent over backwards not to solicite ADR Support members but Harrison wanted him out to fulfill his own agenda and manufactured a way to do it that appeared he was in the right. To be truthful, it was people like me and a myriad of others who sang Mark's praises. After Mark was kicked off the forum, I posted my surgical experience, mentioning Mark several times. I was chastised for it.
Not to long after Mark was banned, Harrison announced his own desire to become an ADR advocate or somthing like it. You do the math.
To complete this post, I'd just like to tell you that Mark was my best investment into my spine. I could have done it without him, eventually, but he made everything easier and today, I consider him my friend. I was able to call him during those 'crazy' moments, or fear or despair. He's been there, done that, and he understands. He just wants to help people. How fortunate for him that he was able to turn this into a career.
To all, please take care I look forward to getting to know everyone,