what do you like to watch on TV?
Hey Eddie,
I'm just wondering if you're a TV person? I wasn't much of late until my feet started to act up with this Posterior Tibial Tendonitis and whatever else they had/have going on. Round about the time I was still dealing with daily pain with little walking I came to Florida to visit my 87 y.o. father. Not much to do here but watch TV and read so I am passively getting into House again, and saw the very first episode of Grey's Anatomy last night. Wow... that was good.
At home I watch alot of news in Spanish and or movies in Spanish and some of the funny soaps as well. It's a kick ~ I love that I know what everyone is saying and it's no effort anymore. Even getting the humor now pretty much on a regular basis except some jokes are going to be beyond me no matter what.
I hope the good doc can *splain* whaz happenin' w/your back. Maybe some more diagnostics. Take care and hope the bed is comfty~ Maria