Thanks for the welcome messages....
They are not actually sure what it is that is causing my pain, it could be the device or it could be the L5-S1 disk, the doctor actually said "I don't know" when I asked him. He doesn't want to fuse my back as he says I am too young to do a 3 level fusion on me, but he did say that this is the next step for me. I see him Friday to talk about it, then I guess I am going to schedule the surgery for early February.
He said that when they remove it, maybe the leg pain will go away, but he is not sure. He said next step if this doesnt work is the wonderful and fun discogram once again... Ive had two already, talk about fun lol... But all in all I hope this does the trick!
I have found one other person that had a 2 level done and removed and he said it wasnt so great... Which is scary to me. I have to do a deposition soon so I am going to ask the attorney about the outpatient thing, it doesnt seem right at all to me seeing as putting it in I didnt walk at least until 30 hours after the surgery, let along go to the bathroom on my own and all that other fun stuff. I had to play hell to get them to approve the surgery in the first place, that took about a year and then it took about 6 months asking for it to be removed so the Dr's office is sick of the WC insurance company (I am too) but if the Dr thinks I need more time in the hospital I am just going to fight this and get it approved for that and fight some more, whats another 6 months anyhow, right? ugh... i dont like workmans comp
