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Old 12-11-2008, 07:02 PM
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Eddie G Eddie G is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: Bayonne, NJ
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My pain is still really bad. I am able to tolerate walking more but I need to lay down immediately afterward. Yesterday I coiuld not get out of bed because the pain was so bad. It took an hour to get up because I felt very "compressed". I can't walk today because it's raining so I'm drinking more tea to increase my bathroom walks.
The stress from the insurance co's calling me for forms the doctor didn't fill out doesn't help either. Things are constantly lost or never received. Or it's the wrong form. Yadda Yadda Yadda...In this day & age, there is so much incompetency in the world that I need to micromanage my entire life! I need to hire someone to follow up on each and every paper I fill out, every follow up phone call, every tiny detail in my life because I can't rely on people to do their jobs anymore. I think it's just a breakdown in society and part of the dumbing down of America. Sad really...

Anyone want to micromanage my life? I'll pay $1 an hour. No Green Card required.
12/16/03 Work Accident
Herniation and DDD at L4-L5
4/1/05 Discectomy
Epidurals and facet injections
5/15/06 Discogram confirmed L4-L5 DDD also an asymptomatic L5-S1 tear
10/24/06 L4-L5 Prodisc surgery with Dr. Goldstein
CAT scans & X-Rays show ossification
Trigger Point Injections, Medial Branch Blocks, Acupuncture, Weekly Deep Tissue Massage
10/27/08 Discogram (positive L5-S1)
11/25/08 L5-S1 fusion with Dr. Goldstein
Liberty Mutual WC
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