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Old 12-04-2008, 03:28 PM
Maria Maria is offline
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Default hey eddie

I just thought to look at your recent surgical posting and WOWWWW have you been thru it!

You know I'm where you are telling people to be prior to having surgery or more surgery in terms of waiting till ya can't do this that and the other and odd thing is that I already went thru those stages and came out on the other side mostly where pain meds give good relief as long as I've got an ESI going on a few times a year and all activities go except sitting. Always foiling me there and limiting what I can do but I'm sort of concerned that I may make it worse with more surgery YET I'm moving on with osteporosis in the spine and thinking sooner would be better than later re surgery because I will not be able to do anything should the bone become too soft in the future let alone the progressive degeneration of the lumbar spine (heck, my whole spine has DDD).

Oh well, I do hope you continue to recover well and soon will be in less pain and more mobile. I will continue to read your progress/updates.

My cats are ancient now (one had to be put down recently circa age 15) and the others are 13 and 12 and lazy little Persians. They stay w/dh currently not me and there is a huge 20 plus pound domestic cat living there as well and boy can he jump and create a dent in the old bod (my 22 lb mini schnauzer as well who thinks she's a cat).

Ok hope your Mum will be feeling better ASAP as well and gets a good doc to manage her care. take it easy Eddie and thanks for the updates!
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