I got home from the hospital. I now have a hospital room in my living room. I rented an electric bed, I borrowed my Grandma's spare hospital food tray, I have my Playstation3, phone, massager, laptop all here next to me. This isnt too bad. I cant wait until this pain subsides. Should take at least 6 weeks. Im watching football all day today. Ive been looking forward to football for a week since they cut me open.
The only time I got nervous was when I was in the operating room. I was fine with the IV going in and all the probes & wires...no prob. Once they stuck that mask over my face OH BOY! I was claustrophobic!!! I smelled the air coming in and then I was out. I woke up shaking uncontrollably for like 2 minutes. I said to myself, relax relax relax.... Im awake Im awake.... and I finally relaxed. My mouth was super dry so Sweety & my Mom were feeding me ice chips for a while. The whole time I was lying there some woman was moaning LOUDLY! "OHHH THE PAIN!!! OOOOHHHH THE PAIN!!! OHHHHHH THE P A I N N N N!!!!! Over & Over & Over & Over & Over! OMG!!! And she WOULD NOT stop for the whole time I was in recovery!!!! She spent so much energy moaning she could never have gotten herself to relax. I wanted to say: "Hey Lady Shut UP!!! There are sick people here!!!"
I felt EXACTLY the way she sounded but I didnt have the energy to distress everyone else around me by moaning at the tippy top of my lungs. I tried to do as much as I could without bugging the nurses too much. Once I got the hang of it, I got in & out of bed by myself. I only really had to call them for my pain meds. I was up at all hours of the night so I needed my breakthroughs at like 1am....5 am...and I had to call a couple of times to get those after waiting 1/2 hour. I walked as much as I could to wake my stomach up.
I paid to have a nurse's aide stay with me from 8pm to 8am Tues, Wed, Thurs. I figured Thanksgiving would have alot of nurses taking off so I wanted a backup plan. Ive been through this all before so I knew what to expect. The first 2 days were unbearable. I just wanted to sleep. I finally turned the corner on Thanksgiving and was able to get out of bed and pee. I really hate cathethers but I hate even more having to take them out! OUCH!!!!! Ripping off my stomach bandages was no picnic either. The doctor came in and just pulled it right off with no warning. I have to remember to shave my entire body if I ever need surgery again. It looks like I went to a waxing salon in a saloon. (a waxing saloon, get it?) The surgeon made my original scar 2 inches longer and I now have 4 new holes in my back. They cut me on both sides this time. Doc Goldstein said there was hardly any scar tissue and what little he did see he scraped off. Dr. Nalbandian entered my stomach through the other side this time so there was not much to re-disturb. It will take some time to see if this operation worked. Being home isnt too bad. Im actually able to climb a flight of stairs but I am limiting that to emergencies like getting my exercise ball from my room or getting the ethernet cable for the Playstation. My appetite is good and everything is working correctly....EVERYTHING
I'm sure glad the worst is over!
So the plan tonight is to watch more football and if I'm awake Im playing GTA4.
No Mark, I dont have Guitar Hero but I like that game too. I like the old school games too like Space Invaders, Front Line, Pac Man, Dig Dug etc... All the stuff I spent my allowance on as a kid
When I got home the new 3 Stooges set was waiting for me and the latest Benny Hill. I have a pile of Randolph Scott westerns and my Sherlock Holmes book. That should keep me entertained for a few hours.
The cats have been good so far but I know they will jump on me during the night during one of their play fights and I will wake up screaming but I cant sleep with the brace on so I have to hope for the best.

12/16/03 Work Accident
Herniation and DDD at L4-L5
4/1/05 Discectomy
Epidurals and facet injections
5/15/06 Discogram confirmed L4-L5 DDD also an asymptomatic L5-S1 tear
10/24/06 L4-L5 Prodisc surgery with Dr. Goldstein
CAT scans & X-Rays show ossification
Trigger Point Injections, Medial Branch Blocks, Acupuncture, Weekly Deep Tissue Massage
10/27/08 Discogram (positive L5-S1)

11/25/08 L5-S1 fusion with Dr. Goldstein
Liberty Mutual WC