I also had several epidurals and nuceloplasty in 2002 through 2004 was good until I fell in 2008. Total Epidurals most on right side:
1 on L3-4,
1 on L4,
5 on L4-L5, (Includes 2 bilateral in 2008)
4 on L5-S1, (Includes 2 bilaterial in 2008)
The nucleoplasty was done on L3-4 and L4-5. They tried to do both on the same day, but L4-5 was too painful and they couldn't do it until 2004. If I used the location of the epidurals for indication of problem areas, it looks like
L4-L5 is the winner.
If L5-S1, why wouldn't I be an ADR candidate?
When I had a 2nd surgical opinion, the PA used what looked like a vibrator (keep it clean!) with a round pad on the bottom. She pushed this in my lower spine and I felt the internal pressure on my disc. She called it a cheap discogram and I told her if you do that again, I will tell you exactly where the pain/pressure was located and we won't need an expensive discogram.