at first when it started about 3 months ago,
i woke up in pain all over but my legs, and was like all frozen,
was basically all locked up and in pain,
could not turn my neck,
the had severe headaches and bad reactions in the heat, would womit and feel weak,
cool dark rooms and rest helped,
but unfortunately i still went to work through all this instead of resting home,
vision a tab blurred and very restless and uspet to say the least,
sharp and dull pains on rear of neck,
pins / needles in my hands,
right hand would fall asleep at night,
lots of crackling poping sounds in back of my neck/head,
and i myself simply could not sleep...
had some accupuncture, lots of ice on my head and rear of neck, chiropractic care (trigger point) and pills nsaids ibuprofen and aleeve as well as muscle relaxers and xanax to help sleep,
now down to...
have some quick light spontanious head pains on certain sides of the head when i turn my head a certain way, pressure on the rear of my head, some pains on the very rear edge of the scalp area, light ringing in the ears, light crackling sounds in rear of neck area, light upper shoulder pain, cant sleep nights, and light occasional gentle numbness in my hands when i hold the hands up too long.
it looks like the worst of it is all slowly improving, but... ?????
so far went to two local neurologists, one said for me to continue with the therapy and the other is seding me to a neuro-surgeon at jefferson university in philly, pa.