I have only had two done and I didn't feel any relief. My first one didn't bother me, but it was weird. I had never been in a hospital for anything, so I was a little nervous. I was surprised how I was in and out of the procedure room. The wait before and after was the part I didn't like. They had me in a wheel chair on my way to the entrance to meet the best wife in the world with the car. (She has put up with me and this pain for a long time, and I need to be extra nice!) While they were wheeling me along, It felt like my legs were moving back and forth like I was walking. It was a strange feeling. On my second one, I felt more pressure and it was a bit more discomforting. My back hurt more for a few days and then it was back to the normal pain. My mother had an injection a few weeks ago and it helped her a lot. She has to have surgery, but it did relieve the pain. I am not to far ahead of you in the battle of back pains. Good luck to you and secret recipes are always welcome!