your family doctor
With your original complaint I may have made an appt. with the doctor such as you did or preferably my OSS depending on what appt. I could get the quickest). With the MRI report I would have expected a referral to be made to an OSS or Neuro and with the next set of complaints you had if I'd not have had the OSS or Neuro consultation within a timely manner I would have gone to the Emergency Room/Dept. to be further evaluated.
Perhaps at the ER you might be told you need to see a specialist for your problem but it might speed up your referral or consultation and/or maybe have landed you access to a specialist within a 24 hr time frame.
I'd not see the GP/PCP for this problem any longer but I would be seen ASAP if you still have these complaints/symptoms. How are you doing now? Please let us know if you're able.
Last edited by Maria; 11-07-2008 at 06:19 PM.