Chasswen made me think I should respond to the "veracity and validity" of the research and claims from my original post. Here is the link to the "too good to be true"
published research claims Mark referenced in his post. Dr. Joseph Evans is the inventor of the PulStar and one of the authors of this research.
Also, Dr. Jerry Mantonya, a chiropractor in Ohio who recently purchased a PulStar, put together a survey of his own accord and gave it to first time PulStar users. The results of the survey are published on our blog (
Back Pain Relief That Makes Sense) under "Focus Group Results" . Obviously I included only the most interesting stuff but the most negative comment I got was that someone didn't notice a difference between the PulStar treatment and a regular manual adjustment. Here's Mantonya's
site if anyone wishes to verify with him the results of the patient survey.
I know we have users in Colorado and New Jersey, if either of you would like to check out a PulStar I'd be happy to set up an appointment for either of you to hear what your thoughts are. I really do believe we have a great product that will help people if we can just make people aware that it exists. Just let me know.
I don't want to be a spammer, I just want to help.